Tel:0510-85343091 85343092
- Intelligent dynamic reactive power compensator
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- Harmonic protector
- High voltage series reactor
- Design of reactive compensation type-selecting scheme
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Harmonic protector
Product overview:
With the continuous development of computer technology, communication technology and control technology, intelligent building continues to develop with computer technology, communication technology and control technology, intelligent building continues to change, and use large number of modern power equipment, such as computer, communication system, network control equipment, lighting control system, fire control system, frequency conversion air conditioning, etc to ensure safety of power system and equipment operation caused great threat.
Harmonic is actually kind of interference, power grid will make its suffer "pollution", the higher harmonics will be directly on wrong action of damage of electric equipment, causing overheating of cable wires, phase fault and ground fault, zero noise, waste system capacity, increase loss of power supply system, insulation accelerated aging, reduced system power factor and reducing protection of medical equipment etc, in recent years, in the wake of economy and information era, electronic computers, precision medical instruments, microprocessors and other digital electronic devices are becoming increasingly common, these electrical equipment have high demand for power supply. When encountered in higher harmonics, the program will often run errors, data error, time error, DH and without cause or reason to restart and even cause permanent damage. And great loss to people's work and daily life.
According to urgent need for the development of electric power industry of our company, improve to bad electric energy quality, and actively introduce foreign technology developed independently of AN-CF harmonic protective device, it can absorb all kinds of frequency, harmonic interference of various energies, the harmonic elimination in source and automatically eliminate electrical equipment to produce random harmonic and high frequency noise, pulse spike and surge interference. Through intelligent harmonic protector can purify power supply, protect electric equipment and power factor compensation equipment, to prevent wrong tripping of protection device, so as to protect equipment safe and efficient operation.
Description of model and product form:
Main technical parameters:
Rated voltage and rated frequency 110~690V ± 20%; /50HZ 60HZ
Maximum pulse current value 14000A
Clamp voltage For surge voltage of 2500V, that 1000V can be limited to the following
Surge current For 2500V surge voltage, that the surge current is no more than 1200A
Circuit connection mode Star shaped or angular
Insulation resistance >2MΩ
Withstand vol^Contact point capacity The electric conduction part and shell bear 2000VAC. time is 0.1 second, And no breakdown and flashovef phenomenon
Filtering performance Protective frequency 1KHZ-20MHZ
Leakage current 1.428mA
External environment range of temperature -35C-75C
Storage temperature -45C-90C
Relative humidity <85%
Atmospheric pressure 52-108Kpa
Working environment No explosive non corrosive gas conductive dust, no bacteria, no shock, no impact source and the altitude under 3000M
Dimensions 128mm*67mm*95mm (Length*Width*Thick)
Electromagnetic compatibility testing Shock wave immunity IEC60225-22-4
Electrostatic discharge immunity
Radio frequency electromagnetic radiation immunity
Electrical fast transient pulse group immunity
Power Power waste Less than 0.5w
Radiation Less than 25C (external environment 20C)
Shell type Metal and flame retardant materials
Maintenance mode Maintenance free
Service life Over 10 years
Mode of connection Terminal connection
Weight 3.2kg
Functional characteristics:
●Special circuit for use of ultra crystalline alloy with flame retardant materials and innovative technology;
●There have restrain and absorb action i门 interference of higher harmonic, high frequency noise, pulse peak and surge;
●At any time tracking voltage, current waveform and correction of distortion caused by impact of voltage and current waveform;
●Reduce the use of electrical equipment failure rate and machine error, and full overcome high-frequency interference caused by harmonic pollution;
●The device is almost no power consumption and it has high economic benefits;
●The structure is reasonable, easy to connect, and installation and debugging is convenient.
Solve problem:
●Computer and electronic equipment, PLC, motor, electrical and other chip dead halt, life has shrunk dramatically;
●Power purification, can eliminate surge, peak voltage, circuit noise and other interference;
●Screen flicker;
●Stroboscopic lamp;
●Data network congestion;
●The question thus arises is power factor compensation equipment;
●A special (long) line or switch heavy load problem;
●Tripping of protective device;
●Due to poor power quality lead to power utilization efficiency of power system is reduced, increase in electricity consumption, resulting in unnecessary cost of electricity.
Installation method:
Adopt standard card track fixation installation in shapeof 35mm or 75mm, products accessories in corresponding guide rail,only fixed well guide rail, harmonic protection device can be suspended, easy, simple and shortcut to install.
Ordering information:
The protection device is mainly used in power distribution box for harmonic suppression and elimination of output load, it need to specify number of phase, voitage level, field service environment, power distribution box or single equipment rated parameters and deliveiy cycle, etc.,if there have other special requirements,please specify.
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